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David Jodoin

addiction anxiety insomnia

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Dee Nagara

My mother's gym buddies' friend's daughter name Maynie is admitted to the hospital today because Maynie is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and has another episode today. That is why she is admitted into the hospital today, please pray for her!

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Dee Nagara

I have two prayers, first it's my poodle name Amber because I took her to see the vet and she had a blood test today. I hope that Amber is not diagnose with cancer as the blood test results will be out next Monday. Secondly, I hope to look for a job, a good and stable job that is!

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Prayer Request:

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you and Bless you for this, My prayer request is,

Please forgive people that hurt me, and forgive my sins (public & private) (Acts 7:59-60), For a better relationship With The Lord and a cleaner heart, For everybody in the world to be what they are suppose to be in life, For every True Man of God to ever exist to be Highly Blessed in Their Work for The Lord and Love doing it, For The world to get better for The future Generations of The Body of Christ, for all of Israel and Jewish people to Believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, His Death on The Cross for our sins and His Resurrection, and to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord. For everybody who prayers for me be blessed 7777 times fold. For Every single thing I do bless everybody involved for the better 7777 times over. For Divine forces to be in my favor, Forever. To Truly be Baptized in The Name of Jesus and filled with The Holy Spirit at the appointed time. For Everybody to be on The Lord's schedule and timing for His Kingdom. For Humanity's free will not to interfere with The Lord's plans in everybodys' life until The Ends of time.

For All The Children of The Body of Christ to be Highly Blessed Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically To Develop into The Beings That The Lord Wants for His Plans and Purposes Until The Ends of Time. Bless Sarah the peace keeper. To make GOOD History in For Overall World healing and blessing until the ends of time.

For me to seize the moments that The Lord brings my way for the better. For every single believer's prayers reach The Lord and He answers them according to His Will in Time and History, and forever. Bless Jerusalem and Judah forever. For my work for The Lord to be Highly Blessed, and do and love it with the passion of a God.(Psalms 82:6).For me to realize and highlight in my spirit and eye sight answered prayers forever. For My Bloodline to Overflow with The Holy Spirit Everyday until The Ends of Time.

For your ministry to continue to be blessed to do its work for The Body of Christ, thank you for your service for the Kingdom. Bless Jerusalem, and for its people to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord until Christ's Return.To bless and mercy on the past, present and future believers that are part of my bloodline. For The Lord to watch over, protect and Highly bless for generations to come the Jewish, Isreali, Native American children globally and all the descendants of cancer surviving children to be blessed to get to appreciate a better life and stay strong to carry on to doing the world that The Lord wants them to do. For Anybody who ever cheats on their spouse to be punished 7 times over until the point of death. For daily declarations to come to pass for the better until the ends of time.

Bless every being to ever exist in any realm to serve The Lord with Gladness forever. For every children to be highly blessed to appreciate The Lord for how He designed them forever. To always trend everything with the Grace and Joy of A God (Psalms 82:6) forever. For History to repeat itself for 7 times better outcomes from now on. For My Intentions, actions and Wisdom to be true to The Father for Always, and for The betterment of The Kingdom Until The Ends of Time.

For supernatural and unspoken prayers to come to pass at this very moment, and for prayers to come to exist soon.

To be Highly Favored in everything I do in life, and not die a failure, loser, beat up, ruined, homeless, handicapped or lame, to be blessed with wealth 7777 times over to be a blessing to be a blessing, for everything in life and changes of seasons or anything in life to be easy to me and be second nature, and to be Highly Favored in everything I do in life, To experience the supernatural in every area of my life, for L.Love's and My bloodlines to be highly blessed 7777 times over in every generation and do right for the world, to walk the walk and talk the talk and be one of the toughest and realiest warrior to ever do it, and no man stand in my way ever, be highly respected and put people in their place and not die a failure, loser, beat up, ruined, homeless, handicapped or lost, nor embarrass The Lord nor myself in anyway throughout life, and for the Best in Life. For Life to be sweet, unique and fun. For spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing to be over the whole world until Christ's Return. For Every Child to ever exist to be Highly blessed for and fulfill their calling and purpose in time and History in The Lord's Plan. To enjoy the best that this rock has to offer. For me to be Highly Blessed forever. For all marriages in my bloodline and L.L.'s bloodline to be Highly Blessed and protected until the ends of time. To be a Supernatural God (Psalm 82:6) in Everything I don't in time and History for the betterment of everyone in time and History. For ALL VITAMINS AND NUTRITION THAT MY FAMILY AND L.L'S FAMILY CONSUMES to be blessed to be 777 times more effective in potency for ONLY the betterment of then until the ends of time. For everybody and all of us to love The Truth until The Ends of Time.

For every believer of The Lord to be highly blessed and favored in everyway until The Ends of Time. For My Secret Prayer Request to come to pass. The ability to naturally retain and apply to life understanding, depth, knowledge, the sweet science and the good of everything that I am expose to for the better. To shock the world with the power That The Heavenly Father Has blessed me with from the Betterment of His Kingdom Always and forever. To overflow with The Holy Spirit everyday to better the World forever. To Never go to Hell.

For the Entire Body of Christ to experience spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing, and live Holy forever. May L.L. and I days be like Heaven on Earth. Have Mercy on Us All on The Day of Judgement. Bless everybody in the world and every being in Zion to be Blessed to Serve The Lord with Pure Joy forever. Thank you Dad for All The People of Christ That Has existed, currently and will ever exist for The Kingdom, My All be forever Yours.

Bible Verse Connected to prayer:

• Acts 2:21

• Acts 7: 59-60

• Psalms 5:3

• Psalms 82:6

• Matthew 18:19

• Matthew 7: 7-11

• Matthew 18:19-20

• Matthew 26:41

• Nehemiah 13:14

• Joshua 1:5

• Luke 5:16

• James 1:5-8

• Proverbs 15:8

• John 14:13-14

• John 5:14-15

• 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

• Phillippians 4:6,13

• Romans 8:26, 31-32

• Jeremiah 29: 11-12

• 1 Corinthians 14:14

• Colossians 4:2

• Ephesians 6: 17-18

• James 5: 13-16

• Romans 12:12

• Isaiah 56:7

• Acts 1:13a,14

• Hebrews 4:14-16

• Romans 8: 38-39

• Romans 8: 31

• Matthew 6: 8-13

• Matthew 6:31-33

• 1 Timothy 2:1

• 1 Peter 5:7

• Psalms 5:11

• Job 22: 27-28

• Psalms 66:19-20

• Isaiah 65:24

• 2 Corinthians 1:11

• 1 Timothy 2:1-2

• Psalms 130:1-2

• Psalms 4:1

• Mark 11:17a

• Mark 11:23-25

• Psalms 86:7

• Psalms 4:1

• Mark 10: 27

• Mark 11: 22-25

• Luke 5:16

• Luke 6: 27-28

• Luke 10:2

• Luke 10:19

• Luke 18:1

• James 1: 5-8

• James 5:14,16

• Matthew 7:7-11

• Matthew 17:20

• Matthew 21:22

• Matthew 16:19

• Hebrews 11:1, 6

• 1 John 5: 4-5

• Proverbs 15:8

• John 14:13-14

• John 15:7

• John 16: 23b

• John 16: 24

• 1 John 5: 14-15

• 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

• Phillippians 4:6, 13

• Romans 8:26, 31-32

• Matthew 21:22

• Jeremiah 17:14

• Jeremiah 29:11-12

• Jeremiah 33:3

• 1 Corinthians 14:14-15

• Ephesians 6: 17-18

• James 5:13-16

• Romans 5:1-2

• Romans 10:1

• Romans 10:13

• Romans 12:12

• Romans 15:30

• 2 Corinthians 1:11 

• 1 Timothy 2:1-2 

• Acts 1: 13a, 14

• Job 42:10

• Hebrews 4:14-16

• Romans 8: 38-39

• Matthew 6: 8-13

• Matthew 6: 31-33

• 1 Timothy 2:1

• Philippians 1: 3-4

• 1 Peter 5:7

• Ephesians 3:20

• Psalms 5:11

• Psalms 18:6

• Psalms 20:4

• Psalms 86:7

• Psalms 95:2

• Psalms 50:14-15

• Psalms 102:17

• Psalms 118: 25

• Psalms 122:6

• Psalm 130:1-2

• Psalms 50:15

• Psalms 143:6

• Psalms 145:18

• Psalms 66:17-20

• Isaiah 65: 24

• Psalms 6:9

• Numbers 6: 24-27

• Ecclesiasticus 51:1-2

• Psalms 27:7

For Supernatural prayers to happen in my life starting at this very moment in the spiritual and physical realm. For When I work I do Heavenly Quality Work and to always say on top of my hygiene. For ALL Angels to be Highly blessed for Their work in Zion, Spirit Realm, and Time and History forever.

Bless all my past, present and future enemies, and have mercy on them Lord.

Praise be To Yahweh, Jehovah, Jireh, Shalom, Nissi, Tsidkenu, ABBA, Elohim, El Roi and EVERY NAME OF THE LORD TO EVER EXIST TO BE BLESSED FOREVER, AND COME TO PASS IN EVERYBODY TO EVER EXIST LIFE FOREVER, Jesus Christ is King, Bless I AM in Zion Forever.

Bless You All
Peace be Unto You All

Thy Will be done In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

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Thank you Lord for prayer and everything you have done for me and Bless you, Bless all Jews and Israelites, for Overall World Healing, take care of all children, and For My Calling in life that will save my Life in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.

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All views expressed in the prayer requests belong to the requestor and does not represent the views of Metro World Child or its employees.