Metro World Child is a faith-based humanitarian organization committed to serving the underprivileged inner-city children of the world.

By sharing the Gospel, showing God’s love and meeting needs, together, we can help break the cycle of poverty, provide hope, build futures and empower children to rise up out of the streets and become tomorrow’s leaders.

Sponsor A Child

When you sponsor a child, you provide hope and build futures. Help a child experience God's love. Sponsor today!


Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


Our newly launched four month intensive ministry training.

Sponsor a child today

Your sponsorship helps inner-city children discover Jesus. When you sponsor a child, you help share the Gospel, meet critical needs and provide hope that will impact your child's future forever. Help rescue a child today.

Metro World Child
871 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221